Here is a list I assembled and recently updated June, 2019.
Phone Services: (All of these are FREE and available 24 hours.)
Alanon and Alateen: (510) 276-2270
Alcoholics Anonymous: (510) 839-8900
Children’s Protective Services (CPS): (510) 374-3324
Crisis Line: (800) 833-2900
Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE
Food Bank: (925) 676-7543
Grief Crisis Line: (800) 837-1818
Homeless Crisis Line: (800) 808-6444
Mental Health Crisis Line: (888) 678-7277
Psychological Emergency Hotline: (925) 646-2800
STD Hotline: (800) 227-8922
Suicide Hotline: (800) 309-2131
Teen Crisis Line: (800) 843-5200
Counseling Services: (These are free or low cost.)
1) Children’s Services: (510) 374-3261
(Located near McDonald and 41st street in Richmond.)
2) West Coast Children’s Center: (510) 527-7249
(Located in El Cerrito and Oakland.)
3) Youth Service Bureau: (510) 215-4670
(Located on 20th street in Richmond.)